Type in a Foreign Language on a Windows, Mac, or Mobile

While learning a foreign language, you will reach a stage where you need to type that language. That is when you will realize that your device only supports English. Fortunately, you can easily set up your Windows or Mac computer to support many other layouts and languages. Follow this guide, and you will soon be typing in whatever language you choose.

Windows PC

Skip to the Mac or Mobile section depending on device

For this example, we will add the Korean language to Windows and its Hangul keyboard layout. This guide also uses the US keyboard layout as the default. Other default keyboard layouts should work the same way.

  1. Type language in the search bar and click Language Settings

2. Click Add a language

3. Search for your language, click it, and then click Next

4. Click Install

5. Preferred Languages should now include your chosen language

6. Click Keyboard

7. Choose Microsoft IME

8. The final step assigns a universal hot key enabling you to switch between languages while you are editing text. Follow the steps in the screen shot below and finally click OK on each window.

Typing on the PC With Your New Keyboard Layout

You can now type with your new language in any app. The language bar will change as you open an editor window. Press Left-ALT + Shift to switch between US and foreign keyboards.


For this example, we will add the Korean language to Windows and its Hangul keyboard layout. This guide also uses the US keyboard layout as the default. Other default keyboard layouts should work the same way.

  1. Open Keyboard settings and add 2-Set Korean as an Input Source

2. Make sure Show input menu in menu bar is checked and optionally Use the Caps Lock key. Use the Caps Lock key is available for non-Latin languages for easy toggle between English and foreign language keyboard layouts. All other languages can use ^Space (CTRL+Space) to switch languages.

Typing on the Mac With Your New Keyboard Layout

You can now type with your new language in any app. The language bar will change as you open an editor window. Press CTRL+Space to switch between US and foreign keyboards.


It is easy to add a new language to both iPhone and Android devices. The following  screen shots will help you find the appropriate setting on your phone. Just add the the language the new language will be available whenever the on-screen keyboard appears.




Finally, you can practice your typing skills at www.typebuddy.com. Try printing a picture of the keyboard layout. Practice until you can type without looking at the keyboard. You have memorized the new keyboard layout once you achieve at least 15-20 WPM. Good luck!